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From Desk of Director...

chairman's image


Dr. Meenu Sahran


Engineering education must be designed to accomodak current trends and future needs. We must enhance the flexibility of curricula. Our goal is to articulate few role of engineering education in the early part of the 21th century and to establish design specifications that will enable the GVN Polytechnic to be a leader in the shaping the future engineering education.
Our mission consists of three part:- Education, Research and Service. Our commitment is intellectual and personal will being of our students. One notable competitive advantage is the high-quality student population attracted to our institution. We can offer these students a comprehensive educational experience.


Our reward system will be consistent with the mission and goals of our institution. We will create an environment where faculty and staff are encouraged to continue to develop as professionals. Administrators in the college will supply leadership at all levels of engineering education, both inside the institution and outside in the larger context of our professions.
I wish grand success to all of you and your endeavor of higher technical education ad GVN Polytechnic.


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